Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Do I Get A Cool Puffle Without Being A Member


Hé les mecs j'ai  1 0 57 visites. Je vous kiffe.

Excess Fuel Consumption

Do not type.

Coucou mes enfants chériiiiiiiis. Je suis  EXTRÊMEMENT  désolée pour cette abscence. Mais je n'ai plus d'ordinateur, donc gros squattage sur celui de mon frère quand je peux. Il est 8h30. Et je ne suis pas aller en cours ce matin car je suis vraiment beaucoup très fatiguée, alors c'est ou je dors dans mon lit, ou sur une table. Et je préfère mon lit. N’êtes-vous pas  d'accord? Si.
Soit. Mon blog m'a manqué, alors je vais raconter ma vie avec un bref résumé. (un brief summary is already, of course, but this one will be more than brief. ) Alarm
6am. (In 6:30 but it is key to gender)
Currently, I sleep, where I work. After I track my clothes on the face (very pretty sight). Then I eat a lot because I'm hungry. I leave in progress. I get home, I watch the Simpsons, I take my pill at times approximate (IS NOT WELL AT ALL). Zap until I find something "interesting". And I sleep.

is my life since the beginning. Exciting.
Let people talk about me in the bus after what I said. Go on, I'll become famous and earn lots of money. I ♥
cold hands, so I stopped there, I'll be back when I could.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Slow Me Down Dance Costume

It is morning and I woke up. Clap Clap.

Just to say it's been three days now that people who are casual acquaintances and more for the most most, tells me about their heart problems (and ass too). I appreciate, continue. ♥

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Bottle Steriliser Washer


Cuckoo DCs. I cut my nails. But I still have the same polish.
Goodbye PD.
And my cat not want me to put pictures of him, sorry.

Containers For Food Mice

Hohoho, santa claus.

Yo. I drawings do today, full of drawings everywhere, it was too good, I had fun haha.
And I have not eaten all day, but hey I'm in full is fine. I would like to get to 41 pounds by the start, I'm almost there. CLAP CLAP me. ♥ me. I have nothing

it sucks to watch last night's episode 16 Y'avait Gossip Gil online was too good, me too I loved, so I watched 6 times on. With my cat, because he loves Serena than Blair, as well as at times he licks his face.
Speaking of my cat, I'll post a picture of him, but I will blur the face because I not want to be stolen, I would be very sad if not. I put this evening, because he bit me so I punished. And he will attack me otherwise.

Or if you have movies WELL offering me, free to you.

And I dedicate this article to a boy I would not name, because I not want to be stolen.

No actually I give a fuck, he called Maxime DRINK .

Kisses, kisses. Gossip Girl. (Hohoho, green giant. )

What Does A Nipple Piercing Mean?


I will eat spaghetti today. ♥

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chicken Invaders 2 Cheat Engine

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm

I bawled made by a Chinese because it was 12 hours I had no published articles, then here. It's not my fault if I have a life outside. (Mouahaha).
So, yeah, now I'm gone, like really, kind of daylight and everything. And it rained, it was great. I saw my Bestah (we will say to those who do not know me very well, this word is qu'humour). We go to McDonalds, so I realized my dream yesterday. Ah yes, I said, everything I want I, lala. After I went à H&M ou j'ai... comment dire... hérité de deux paires de lunettes TROP FASHI0N.
' ouais ouais, elles tuent '
( flemme de retoucher alors casser pas les couilles )

Soit. Ah ouais, on s'est faite prendre en photo parce qu'on avait " un style qui dégageait quelque chose",  en gros je suis trop belle. ( qu'on se le redise, tout ça n'est qu'humour ). Après on est parti boire un café, normal lol. Et je suis rentrée  chez moi.

I had forgotten to go I almost died because the driver drove like a nag and he even took a border that motherfucker.

Anyway, tonight I'll probably watch another movie, like every night. LOL

And who is that rebouffe pasta tonight? It bibi. ♥

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reoccuring Chlamydia In Men

VNR, gangsta.

My father deserves award. I can not see my Bestah. I get mad, so I must. Or if you're reading. On top of that I must do the kitchen, while I want to eat McDonalds. It's been far too long I do not eat McDonalds, I'll fall into depression I think. I'll watch two movies tonight. I know the names and I do not want to watch.

Him, the day he returns I give him his birthday. Not without messing around, it's the best thing in the world, my god. Good going
peace, I gotta watch my pasta.

Dark Patches On My Television

I love chocolate.

And more, it seems that it is an aphrodisiac. Anyway, I might be you leave until tomorrow, but very little indeed. Yes because I'll probably sleep in my Bestah M'VOYAIS.
Although, I could perhaps write an article at home. No, no. No. (Well it's really not at all)

Either I have very little work today, the first time since the beginning of the holidays. But I almost anything done for, as he had suspected it.

'I just put color in fact'

I watch a crappy movie, and I still ate cookies nougat and chocolate, as usual. Oh I'm also editing. It looks very simple like that, but I am stuff really. (And yes I look obese, but I layered 2 different pictures, so that's my excuse . )

Finally now I have nothing to say. Um, I redouchée, and I used a different shower gel for 3 different body parts, it was fun. Go peaaaace. ♥

Twilight Movie Victoria

NY Style.

Today I'm in NY City USA.

Lamp Conforama, not very expensive, which is also red, and when you look inside it too lol. Mum bought me because she is shining it's too BLING BLING .

'stylish, yeah'

My NYPD T-shirt, straight from the USA, by my dad, too big for me. But no more beautiful than my T-shirt yesterday.
' effect pop art style '

And to finish this wonderful stuff that decorates the top of my bed. But I can not remember where I bought it. I have another one in black and white, but I will not show my room too, because we could come rob me, it's not very careful. (Already I'm showing my legs, eh, well ... eh.)

'CHUCK BASS ♥ lol'

I too lazy to read, so I not break the balls to blame.

Places To Watch Sean Cody For Free

Hello, small birds. We are already

Hello, I'm upset today, so not just breaking my balls, I warn. OK? ♥
Well, I woke up early this morning (my laptop was not offline, which might explain everything, because I went to bed early this morning.)

And so I wake trooooop how well I slept too well, I showered quiet ( avec l'eau aussi chaude qu'hier). Normal quoi. Et là je vais dans la cuisine. Mon gars, c'était horrible. Mon père ne sait pas faire la cuisine. Et il utilise 8 millions d’ustensiles, alors qu'il en a pas besoin.Et il en fout partout, et il nettoie pas, et ça accroche à tout, et putain de merde. Et évidemment c'est moi qui doit laver (  je suis un peu le lave vaisselle, mais en gratuit ouais.)

( tout ça pour dire que toi, joli garçon qui me lit, je sais faire le ménage, alors marie toi avec moi, et nous formerions un beau couple. et pour la cuisine, je sais tremper des cookies dans du lait and make cutlets. )

That is the reason for my "vénéritude." It'll pass.

Either I discovered that my lamp would make a stylish too when I woke up this morning, I'll post a picture later, in the meantime, I'll do anything, as is my habit. Mouahaha.
And just now I would work.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Serendipity Biblie Online


Kikoo, the payday. It is 2am, you sleep all band fags. My eyes hurt, but I still wanted to write an article. On anything specific, because it has not happened in my life since earlier in by that ... yeah no nothing. I look at my two films well rotted. A tip: look at the .

Stop me about my fish, I know they are beautiful, they do eat that, like me, this is why they are my fish.

I also rematter video from The Dream and Mr. Velcrou of a year ago.
is the bomb baby.

And I have no pictures, except my mouth before going to sleep but we will avoid.

Sailing Sailing, I'm tired, I apologize for the poor of this article.

X ♥ X ♥ (i can still make an effort for my signature)

Blackwork Tattoo Best Way

is teatime.

My varnishes and my fish are doing very well. I am very hungry since noon. So I developed a taste beaugosse. Nougat cookies / chocolate with a big bowl of milk . But cold milk huh. Because there are plenty of good people who like warm milk. Bin and I say it dégeulasse.Qu 'we should say, hot milk, it's for hot chocolate, coffee and everything you want ... cakes but for crying out loud it's fucking you put cold milk. The hot milk that softened the whole cake, and it is very soft and it's disgusting. It's like people who put Pops Honey in warm milk, but not OH HEY OH HEY, it will not. The Honey Pops is crisp, and Let's the rest.
All that to say that there is nothing better than cold milk for the cake.

'and I finished the whole box, fifolle'

I did the cooking. Lamb chops. Yes, well okey, it's not difficult to put meat in a skillet. But for me, though. And they are perfect. I would have made a picture but I'd rather not bring my computer-darling-Amour-big-love around it. So y'a pas de photo. Et ça sent bon. Et je suis fière de moi.

Pour ce soir j'ai prévu de film... Attention y'a du niveau : American Party et Another Gay Movie.
Ma soirée s'annonce fifolle les amis.

Nourrissez mes poissons. ♥

Should I Let My Eyebrows Grow Before Waxing

is 17:17. Back

Mon vernis est actuellement sur mes ongles, en train de sécher. Je vous dis pas quelle couleur j'ai choisi parce que la bande de batards que vous êtes ne m'a pas du tout aidé, alors voilà, c'est un choix fait par moi et seulement moi, et j'ai choisi salmon. Salmon between it and this.

'next time I do that'

I have not worked, because I lost my bag, and it is very useful a kit. I have not sought but was not in my bag on it. I read two pages of BIBA, Glamour because I had already read infact. And I played GTA twenty minutes because I had to put my nail.

There's lots of nice people who have fed my fish, and it gives me great pleasure because there is anything nice. By cons I was asked if he swelled but I think so, but must see.

It's raining outside, and I think I've realized long after that means I should get out of bed more often. And I have cold feet. But after I'd be too hot if I wear a sweatsuit. So now, I alternate.

'not your own? = "sms bet its ren '


Bon Voyage In Marseille Poeme

shower lunch.

Live from my bed m u l t i c o the o r e , all clean. Lalala ♪
I took a shower HOT , the kind of shower or sometimes you burn yourself, or when you go out you got red and swollen feet, fog on the mirror, and seen from outside your bathroom like a sauna, this one. In fact, I burned the back, but I did not cry, I'm not a fag. After I almost slip out because of the shower curtain. There I cry because I was still a little scared, but I'm not a fag.

can say I took a shower with Asher Roth and Kid Cudi. But especially Asher, the man of my life.

Or, I added fish down my blog, they are red. Nurture by clicking on it, LOUD please, I have not much time and I love them anyway.

And finally, a picture that sums up well my day.
'me grow, work and decorate my nails .... '

This image is very superficial, but that's because my blog is pink, so might as well stay in the mind. I could put that too, because it also summarizes my day, but admit it makes it much less.
'me grow and learn to drive'

Help me to strip the varnish bastards if Please.

John Hull Futures & Options Solutions

On 21 th day, and more in the morning.

Hello, good afternoon, good-what-you-want. I just woke up and I fucked up my morning. And I am very disgusted because I wanted to do stuff. And then finally I would not have time. AND HERE I AM disgusted. But we will say it's all the fault of one person. And I would not give his name. Ok, his name is Leo. And he told me that when you put on your phone in airplane mode, and not bin Y'avait waves and you slept crammed bieeeeen. So I tested. And it works. The only thing sucks is that you get all the messages long after. Anyway I I received 4. My mother. My friends are sleeping is perhaps for this. ( and more when I wrote the article )

'my friends ♥' ( quality webcam, but we see very well so do not bother )

either. I did not even shower because I am not yet out of my bed, and I finished my article infact. Program
my day: Do I shower, eat ... (There is more than special K so I'll tell you what I eat later), and messing around on the computer. and out maybe, but just may be, and then I'd have to redo the kitchen but I do not want. ( in passing I still washed my stove .)

Oh and I put the polish. AS CA . AS CA . or AS CA . Put some

coum'z and say what you think lol. Xdeii '

On this I'm going to wash.